우리 삶의 향기(세상만사)

1935년 New York Yankees Team Signed Baseball

동인(東仁)姜海元 2015. 10. 23. 08:08

With the Babe limping to the finish of his playing career in Boston, and Joe DiMaggio still dominating the Pacific Coast League, the Iron Horse enjoyed a brief starring role in 1935, claiming the sweet spot of the provided OAL (Harridge) baseball in the boldest of black fountain pen ink. Matching his 9/10 boldness are most of the twenty-two autographs that join the stalwart captain, a list that includes Ruffing, Gomez, Dickey, Lazzeri, Combs, Crosetti, Chapman, Brown, Murphy, Malone and Rolfe. A vintage coating of shellac has given the ball a pleasing caramel tone. Yankee balls of this specific vintage are particularly rare, and this is the finest we've yet encountered. Full LOA from PSA/DNA.

Guide Value or Estimate: $8,000 - up.