우표의 향기(유명인 관련자료)

1968. 이디오피아 황제와 박정희 대통령의 친필 사인

동인(東仁)姜海元 2010. 4. 13. 10:31

우리나라에서 이디오피아로, 다시 미국으로, 다시 한국으로 돌아 온 사연을 가지고...........

아래는 하이레 세라세 1세를 소개한 원소장자의 소개문입니다. 

HAILE SELASSIE I, EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA, KING OF KINGS, LION OF JUDAH, DIRECT DESCENDENT OF KING SOLOMON AND THE QUEEN OF SHEBA, "Might of the Trinity" (b. 1892- d. 1975). Emperor of Ethiopia (1930-74). During his long reign he fostered education, modernization; driven from Ethiopia by Italian occupation (1936-41); lived in exile in England; restored to throne (1941) after successful British campaign in East Africa; deposed, Sept. 1974 and died while under "house arrest" under very mysterious circumstances. Haile Selassie will always be remembered for his impassioned address to the League of Nations after his country was invaded by Italy. His appeal against unprovoked aggression became seared on the conscience of the world for all time.