우표의 향기(유명인 관련자료)

1888년 주미공사 박정양의 친필로 사료되는 편지

동인(東仁)姜海元 2010. 9. 27. 19:52




Very interesting diplomatic mail letter, written in Korean, on Legation of Korea, Washington DC printed stationery, with original matching cover, addressed in Korean, addressed to "Mr. Lee, Seoul, Corea" on reverse. There is an English translation on facing sheet of the letter, reading, "Washington U.S.A., Jun 12 '88, Dear My Gen: I received letters from home and learned that you are very well. How you like there? I hope you have good time with your company. We are all well here. I remain, Yours truly, C. Y. Pak." Letter is in very good condition, envelope back flap was damaged in opening, with small piece missing (please see scan).